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Line Audio Design 8MP

Slut i lager.

Tillverkas tyvärr inte längre.

8-kanalig micpreamp av svensk tillverkning.

Svenskbyggd(!) 8-kanals rackmonterad lågbrusig mic-preamp. DC-kopplad förutom de matchade plastfilm-ingångskondensatorerna och baserade på ett lågbrusigt klass A, matchat diferentialpars ingångssteg, följt av O/P-förstärkare med mycket lågt brus och distorsion.

XLR-anslutningar in och ut, 48V fantommatning, 20dB pad, HP-filter 12dB/oktav vid 100Hz, 60dB gain.

Tveklöst mest prisvärda preampen om man behöver ett ofärgat och lågbrusigt ljud!


SPECIFICATIONS 2MP & 8MP Preamplifiers:

Power requirement: 15-18VAC 7-20VA (2MP) 15-20VA (8MP), 50-60Hz. External 230VAC transformer included (120VAC on special request)

Frequency response: 5Hz - 100 KHz +-0.5dB (2Hz - 200KHz -3dB)

Gain: 60dB with balanced output. (with unbalanced output 54dB). The gain of the input stage has two fixed settings giving max 60dB or 40dB gain.

Harmonic distortion: 0.002% at -6dB below max level, at full gain of input stage. 0.005% at -3dB below max level, at full gain of input stage

Highpass filter: 100Hz, 12dB/oct switchable. Other frequency on special request

Inputs: Electronically balanced

Input impedance: >10Kohm

Input level: max 3.2V RMS / 320 mVRMS (-20dBPAD / no PAD)

Input noise level: -128 dBU/dBm (100ohm termination, 20-20KHz B/W) -133 dBV (input shorted)

Phantom power: +48V through fed through 2 x 6.8 Kohm resistors

Phantom current: 10mA per channel, all channels loaded

Outputs: Electronically balanced.

Output impedance: 300 ohm (150ohm+150ohm)

Output level: max 15V RMS

Output DC offset: max 1mV at 40dB gain, max 10mV at 60dBgain

XLR Polarity: Pin 1 ground, pin2 positive, pin 3 negative.

For unbalanced output: use pin2 for signal and pin1 for signal ground (pin 3 ahould be left unconnected).

Size: 2MP: 173 mm (W), 44 mm (H), 158mm (D). 8MP: 483 mm (W), 43.7 mm (H), 153mm (D). Depth behind rack rail: 131mm.

This product is designed and manufactured in Sweden.

Specifications may be subject to change without previous notice.

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