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Fredenstein HD MicPre

5 320 kr

Preampmodul för modulrack.

The Fredenstein HD microphone preamplifier utilizes a completely new approach to microphone level amplification.

With 96 kHz/192 kHz sampling rates becoming very popular while tracking, studios are still using equipment which cannot provide the frequency response or bandwidth provided by modern A/D converters.

The HD Pre overcomes these limitations especially for wider bandwidth sources such as acoustic instruments.

It is the preferred choice for classical recordings and Jazz recordings as well.

Besides incorporating a fully discrete signal path and a Class-A balanced output stage, the HD Pre uses a revolutionary current amplification circuit, which neutralizes limiting internal transistor capacitance.

As a result, the HD Pre features an unprecedented bandwidth of over 900 kHz.


Frequency Response : 12 Hz 700000 Hz, +/- 1 dB

Distortion : < 0.0082 at +4 dBu Output Level

(31 dB Gain)

Input Noise : < -131 dB at 150 Ohms Source Impedance (64dB Gain)

Input Impedance : > 200 kOhms or 1000 Ohms selectable

DI Impedance : > 2 MOhms

Max. Input Level : + 20 dBu

PAD attenuation : - 20 dB

Output Impedance : 600 Ohms

Max. Output Level : + 26 dBu

Max Input Signal : + 20 dBu (PAD activated)

(DI or Microphone Input) + 0dBu (without PAD)

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