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Benchmark DAC2 DX

Slut i lager.

Efterföljare till den berömda DAC1. Enbart digitala ingångar.


The Digital-Only DAC2 for Audio Professionals

The DAC2 DX is the DAC2 of choice for users who do not need analog inputs.

The DX is well suited to the needs of professional users and includes an XLR AES digital input. The DAC2 DX is the only DAC2 model that includes dual stereo output buses. The analog output buses can be independently set to fixed or variable gain. The DAC2 DX is also the only DAC2 available in a rack-mount version.

A New Reference - Going Beyond the Legendary DAC1

Benchmark's DAC1 family of D/A converters have been the reference to which other converters have been compared. It is rare to find a converter review that does not draw comparisons to the DAC1. The DAC1 has been the best-selling 2-channel reference-quality converter and is in daily use at many of the finest recording studios and mastering rooms. DAC1 converters are also enjoyed by thousands of audiophiles. Benchmark has raised the bar ... the DAC2 defines a new reference.

The DAC2 DX replaces the DAC2 D

The DAC2 DX replaces the DAC2 D while adding several important features:

Dual analog output buses

XLR AES digital input

12V trigger I/O

Improved DIM and MUTE functions

Professional Applications

Reference-Quality Studio Monitoring

Sound-Card Elimination for Computer Audio

Stand-Alone Headphone Amplifier for Digital Sources

USB to SPDIF Transfer Device

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